# Implementations Links to implementation descriptions related in a way to RTC. Those solutions are not usable as library. For such library usage, please go to the [algorithms](algorithms.md) page. **Cocalc** - [Cocalc](https://cocalc.com) - [Collaborative Editing in CoCalc: OT, CRDT, or something else?](https://blog.cocalc.com/2018/10/11/collaborative-editing.html) **Visual Studio Code** - [Microsoft Live Share](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/services/live-share) is closed-source (see the [docs](https://github.com/microsoftdocs/live-share)). **HackMD** - - - - - **Google / Apache Wave** - - - - **Google Drive** - **System Design (Google, Dropbox)** - - - **Crate** - **Conclave** - - **Convergence Labs** - - - - - - [Shared Cursor](https://examples.convergence.io/examples/froala/?id=9b9d01d1-3767-4326-9dc9-057db3582a5e) in Convergence Labs ([vide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42KDvoFqzsI)) **Editors** - **Firepad Editor** - **Etherpad Editor** - - - **TinyMCE Editor** - - - - **Video Chat** - - **Others** - - - - - -