# Examples The examples reside in the [examples folder](https://github.com/jupyterlab/rtc/tree/main/lumino/examples). To build and try them all, you first need to install Yarn, Node.js and JupyterLab. Using conda, enter the following commands. ```bash conda create -n rtc -c conda-forge jupyterlab nodejs=14 yarn && \ conda activate rtc ``` You can now clone the repository and build the sources. ```bash git clone https://github.com/jupyterlab/rtc && \ cd rtc && \ yarn && \ yarn build ``` ## Lumino Example This [simple Lumino datastore example](https://github.com/jupyterlab/rtc/tree/main/lumino/examples/lumino) is useful to demonstrate and understand the basics of the [Lumino Datastore](https://github.com/jupyterlab/lumino/tree/master/packages/datastore) system. ```bash yarn lumino-example:start ``` Open in browser 1 (e.g. Chrome) . Then open that same link in browser 2 (e.g. Firefox). Every character you input in one of the 2 browsers should be reflected in realtime in the other browser. The selections are also shared. ![RTC Lumino Example](images/lumino-example.png "RTC Lumino Example") In the console, you will see logs showing the CRDT messages flowing. ``` ... Broadcasting transactions to: 1 Sending reply: transaction-ack Received message of type: transaction-broadcast Broadcasting transactions to: 1 Sending reply: transaction-ack Received message of type: transaction-broadcast Broadcasting transactions to: 1 Sending reply: transaction-ack Received message of type: transaction-broadcast Broadcasting transactions to: 1 ... ``` The content for this example has been taken from the [Lumino example-datastore folder](https://github.com/jupyterlab/lumino/tree/master/examples/example-datastore). ## To Do Example You can start [To Do example application](https://github.com/jupyterlab/rtc/tree/main/lumino/examples/todo) and the [Debugger](https://github.com/jupyterlab/rtc/tree/main/lumino/tools/debugger). ```bash yarn todo-example:start-all ``` The example application will be available on ![RTC ToDo Example](images/todo-example.gif "RTC ToDo Example") ## Jupyter Example You can also start the [Jupyter example](https://github.com/jupyterlab/rtc/tree/main/lumino/examples/jupyter). ```bash yarn jupyter-example:start-all ``` The normal JupyterLab application will be launched on . The RTC datastore will be available on . Enter `hello.ipynb` as Path and click on `Open Notebook` button. You will be shown with the details of the hello notebook located in `packages/supernode` folder. ![RTC Jupyter Example](images/jupyter-example.png "RTC Jupyter Example")